After the honorary nomination of December 2018 within the National Legal Council of Asso-Consum (consumer association recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development and component team in the ministerial technical tables) the Apulian lawyer Angelo Lucarella, already appointed to represent the tax issues more important, he received a new assignment: this time he is called to organize the entire assembly.
“Certainly it is a great honor to receive such a post.
I thank Ettore Salvatori, President of Asso-Consum, for having decided to make me a recipient of such a particular and specific role: the in-depth technical analysis of the most delicate legal issues at national level and which, consequently, concern all consumers, taxpayers and Italian citizens can only represent for me, today more than ever, a real reason for living.
I therefore expressed my willingness to continue the experience already begun last January with the support of expert colleagues in the respective sectors with an eye also focused on the integration of other specialist skills; the latter could thus enrich the overall knowledge necessary and functional to the profitable interchange of all the components (given the vastness and enormity of the existing legislation in Italian production).
The primary objective cannot but remain the legal research united, in an essential way, with the need to provide solutions to problems in particular concerning the tax, banking, environmental, insurance world, etc.
Maintaining faith in the mission of a consultative body such as, precisely, the national legal council will be indispensable: monitoring the distortions of the legal system, studying and filtering cases of national importance, making oneself proactive and constructive in the reform paths; this, where possible, interacting with the Institutions (as in particular with the Ministry of Economic Development, Economy, Agriculture, Environment, etc.).
The first period of activity will most likely be focused on identifying the professional profiles that can be integrated with the experts already within the national council, while at the same time hoping to examine the most urgent and delicate legal issues to work on from the beginning 2020.
Clearly, although I am aware that a presidency role like this (although honorary and consultative) will not be easy, I will try to approach myself with the maximum responsibility required ”.